Intel Core i5 4th Gen RAM 8GB SSD 256GB HD 1TB Monitor 17″-> New Customized Desktop PC
- Processor : Intel Core i5 6th Gen, up to 3.20 GHz
- RAM : 8GB DDR3
- SSD : 256GB
- HDD : 1TB Seagate/Toshiba/Hitachi/Samsung (or Others Brands)
- Motherboard Brand : Intel/Gigabyte/Asus/Esonic Or Any Others Brand Motherboard , Chipset- Intel
- Keyboard : Standard USB Keyboard
- Mouse : Standard Optical Mouse
- Casing : Value-Top, Xtreme, Gigasonic, OVO Or Any Others Brand (Can be different from the given pictures)
- Monitor 17″ (Can be different from the given pictures)
- Power Cable : Free
- Power Supply : ATX 500w
- Processor Brand : Intel
- Operating System : Win 10 Pro 64 Bit
- Weight : 5 kg or more
- Color(s) : Black, Multicolor
- Warranty : 3 Years Service Warranty (Excluding Casing, Power Supply , Cooling Fan and keyboard Mouse, Monitor)
- Product Code : i53cpum
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